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Research reveals hidden risks from plastic-coated fertilizers in soil - EurekAlert

Burrowing Mole-Bot Could Characterize Other Planet’s Soil

Burrowing Mole-Bot Could Characterize Other Planet's Soil

Burrowing Mole-Bot Could Characterize Other Planet's Soil

Soil’s Secret Network: How Microbes Share Resources

Soil sampling in Houston's Greater Fifth Ward reveals toxic levels of lead in yards, play areas

Natural fibres in wet wipes may actually be worse for soil and animals

Viruses may help store vast amounts of carbon in soil

New study finds invasive plants drive homogenization of soil microbial communities across U.S. - EurekAlert

Invasive plants drive homogenization of soil microbial communities across U.S.

Soil’s secret language: Researchers decode plant-to-fungi communication - EurekAlert

Presence of bacteria in soil makes flowers more attractive to pollinators, study shows - EurekAlert

Soil and water pollution: An invisible threat to cardiovascular health

How gaps in the canopy of a floodplain influence microclimate and soil biological activity

Soil nutrient levels are associated with suppression of banana Fusarium wilt disease - EurekAlert

Mini-<em>Dune</em>! Soil viruses hitchhike on tiny worms to infect new victims

The Hidden Sounds of the Earth: What Our Soil is Telling Us

Crushed glass replaces soil in this innovative approach to sustainable agriculture

New research shows agricultural impacts on soil microbiome and fungal communities - EurekAlert

Rising mercury pollution in soil could be related to climate change