Snowball Earth

The Snowball Earth hypothesis proposes that, during one or more of Earth's icehouse climates, the planet's surface became entirely or nearly entirely frozen.

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Low Volcanic Carbon Dioxide Emissions Triggered Sturtian ‘Snowball Earth’ Glaciation: Study

Not Snowball Earth, More of a Slushball Earth

'Snowball Earth' may have been more of a 'slushball,' providing a refuge for early life

'Snowball Earth' May Not Have Been An Endless Frozen Wasteland After All

Life may have survived far north of equator during ‘Snowball Earth’

How Animals May Have Conquered Snowball Earth

How Animals May Have Conquered Snowball Earth

New Study Suggests ‘Missing Billion Years’ In Rock Record Carved Away By ‘Snowball Earth’ Glaciers

Fungi Might Have Helped Drag the Planet Out of Its 'Snowball Earth' Phase

Bacterial bloom as the Earth thawed: Photosynthetic organisms during the Snowball Earth

Icy waters of 'Snowball Earth' may have spurred early organisms to grow bigger

Our Planet's Changing Orbit Helped Life Survive 'Snowball Earth'

Our Planet’s Changing Orbit Helped Life Survive 'Snowball Earth'

Changes In Planet’s Orbit Allowed Life To Survive ‘Snowball Earth’

Changes in Our Planet’s Orbit May Have Allowed Life to Survive during ‘Snowball Earth’ Glaciations

New marine sulfur cycle model after the Snowball Earth glaciation

We can see evidence of the ancient Snowball Earth in bacterial DNA