
Snow comprises individual ice crystals that grow while suspended in the atmosphere—usually within clouds—and then fall, accumulating on the ground where they undergo further changes.

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Why Does Snow Bring Childlike Joy?

Dreaming of a white Christmas? Snow is likely in these US states according to NOAA climate data

Stunning Satellite Photos Show Great Lakes Buried in Snow

In Patagonia, more snow could protect glaciers from melt — but only if we curb greenhouse gas emissions soon - EurekAlert

In Patagonia, more snow could protect glaciers from melt -- but only if we curb greenhouse gas emissions soon

Mount Fuji’s Snow-Free Streak Finally Ends

Ecosystem that predates the dinosaurs uncovered in the Alps by melting snow

Ski Resorts Are Stockpiling Snow to Get Through Warm Winters

Satellites find that snow didn't offset southwestern US groundwater loss

NASA Satellites Find Snow Didn’t Offset Southwest US Groundwater Loss

Robots could clear snow, assist at crosswalks, monitor sidewalks for traffic - EurekAlert

Snow and rising sea levels may have triggered Japan's earthquake swarm

Snow’s Secret Light Show: Scientists Reveal What Really Makes It Sparkle

Long snouts protect foxes when diving headfirst in snow

Foxes' skulls are specially adapted for diving into snow

OSU research finds a new way to measure the water held in snow

Oregon State researchers take deep dive into how much water is stored in snow

One in eight ski resorts worldwide could have no snow by 2100

2020 extreme weather event that brought fires and snow to western US

Exploring the Geothermal Mysteries Under Nemrut’s Snow-Capped Surface