Snakes on Sado Island coexist through differentiation of activity time, habitat, and diet
Snakes in potted olive trees ‘tip of the iceberg’ of ornamental plant trade hazards - EurekAlert
One Thing About Snakes Triggers a Powerful Instinct in Primates
Science Reveals: The Secret Visual Cue Monkeys Use To Spot Snakes
How do monkeys recognize snakes so fast?
How do monkeys recognize snakes so fast? - EurekAlert
'Truly extraordinary' ancient offerings, including statues of snakes and a child priest, found submerged in 'healing' spring in Italy
Watch thirsty rattlesnakes drink from the scales of other snakes
New research unlocks jaw-dropping evolution of lizards and snakes
Lizards and snakes are 35 million years older than we thought
Snakes in the city: Ten years of wildlife rescues reveal insights into human-reptile interactions
This Week In Space podcast: Episode 130 —Dogs on Mars, Snakes on the Moon
Mystery Solved: Scientists Discover Unique Evolutionary Branch of Snakes
Scientists stepped on 175 rattlesnakes with a fake leg to see how many would bite. The study found that only 6 bit. The rest just froze or tried to wiggle away. Snakes just want to be left alone.
These Snakes Fake Their Own Deaths, And They Even Use Special Effects
When These Snakes Play Dead, Soiling Themselves Is Part of the Act
Snakes show signs of self-recognition in a smell-based 'mirror test'
Should everyone start eating snakes to save the planet?
An Evolutionary 'Big Bang' Explains Why Snakes Come in So Many Strange Varieties
Snakes do it faster, better: How a group of scaly, legless lizards hit the evolutionary jackpot