
Smouldering or smoldering is the slow, flameless form of combustion, sustained by the heat evolved when oxygen directly attacks the surface of a condensed-phase fuel. Many solid materials can sustain a smouldering reaction, including coal, cellulose, wood, cotton, tobacco, cannabis, peat, plant litter, humus, synthetic foams, charring polymers including polyurethane foam and some types of dust. Common examples of smouldering phenomena are the initiation of residential fires on upholstered furniture by weak heat sources, and the persistent combustion of biomass behind the flaming front of wildfires.

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A Rocket Is Going To Crash Into the Moon Friday – NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Will Get an Up-Close View of the Smoldering Crater

A rogue rocket booster will slam into the Moon this week. Afterwards, NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter plans to capture up-close views of the smoldering crater to hopefully shed some light on the mysterious physics of planetary impacts.

After California’s 3rd-largest wildfire, deer returned home while trees were ‘still smoldering’ — the 2018 Mendocino Complex Fire. The megafire, torched more than 450,000 acres in northern California [University of California’s Hopland Research and Extension Center, W of Clear Lake]

Milky Way’s Supermassive Black Hole Still Smoldering Long After Powerful “Death-Ray” Beam Outburst

After California’s 3rd-largest wildfire, deer returned home while trees were ‘still smoldering’

A Smoldering Stellar Corpse on the Edge: Astronomers Spot a White Dwarf So Massive It Might Collapse