
A slushy is a type of beverage made of flavored ice and a drink, commonly soda, similar to granitas but with a more liquid composition. It also commonly called a slush, frozen beverage, or frozen drink. A slushy can either be carbonated or non-carbonated, the carbonated version is sometimes called a frozen carbonated drink or frozen carbonated beverage.

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Slushy Surprise: AI Reveals Twice As Much Meltwater on Antarctic Ice Shelves

The Moon’s Crust was Formed From a Frozen Slushy Magma

Moon's crust may have formed from 'slushy' magma ocean long ago

Scientists have shown how the freezing of a ‘slushy’ ocean of magma may be responsible for the composition of the Moon’s crust.

Formation of the Lunar Primary Crust From a Long‐Lived Slushy Magma Ocean

'Slushy' magma ocean led to formation of the Moon’s crust