Skywalker Saga
The Star Wars film series, which developed into a trilogy of trilogies and which has been rebranded as the "Skywalker saga" was released beginning with the Lucas/Kershner/Marquand-directed original trilogy, followed by the Lucas-directed prequel trilogy and Abrams/Johnson-directed sequel trilogy.The three trilogies each focus on the Force-sensitive Skywalker family. The prequels focus on Anakin Skywalker and his training as a Jedi and eventual fall to the dark side as Darth Vader. The original trilogy follows his children, Luke and Leia, as they join the Rebel Alliance and battle Vader and the Galactic Empire. The sequel trilogy features Kylo Ren, a major antagonist and eventual Supreme Leader of the First Order, and son of Leia, nephew of Luke, and grandson of Anakin. Each episodic film begins with an opening crawl, accompanied by the main Star Wars theme by John Williams, who composes the scores for each film.