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Popular Myth Busted: New Study Reveals That Adults Learn Skills Faster Than Kids

AI 'can stunt the skills necessary for independent self-creation': Relying on algorithms could reshape your entire identity without you realizing

Early active learning boosts skills for children born into extreme poverty, but gains fade for Black boys, study shows - EurekAlert

Chimps learn and improve tool-using skills even as adults - EurekAlert

Chimps shown to learn and improve tool-using skills even as adults

Chimps learn and improve tool-using skills even as adults, study finds

How to build and protect skills in our modern workplace, a world filled with AI and robots - EurekAlert

Bumblebees and chimpanzees can learn skills from their peers so complicated that they could never have mastered them on their own, an ability previously thought to be unique to humans, two studies said on Wednesday

Indigenous Student Brings Skills, Perspective to NASA Internship

JPL Engineers Put Their Skills to the Test With Halloween Pumpkins

Sing Smart: Vocal Learning Linked to Problem Solving Skills and Brain Size

Vocal learning linked to problem solving skills and brain size