
Siri is a virtual assistant that is part of Apple Inc.'s iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, macOS, tvOS, and audioOS operating systems. It uses voice queries, gesture based control, focus-tracking and a natural-language user interface to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions by delegating requests to a set of Internet services. With continued use, it adapts to users' individual language usages, searches and preferences, returning individualized results. Siri is a spin-off from a project developed by the SRI International Artificial Intelligence Center. Its speech recognition engine was provided by Nuance Communications, and it uses advanced machine learning technologies to function. Its original American, British and Australian voice actors recorded their respective voices around 2005, unaware of the recordings' eventual usage. Siri was released as an app for iOS in February 2010.

Read more in the app

What if Alexa or Siri sounded more like you? Study says you'll like it better

Hey, Siri: Moderate AI voice speed encourages digital assistant use

Automatic quality assessment of Wikipedia articles and its information sources in different languages can help to improve various web services (e.g. Google Search, Facebook, ChatGPT, Siri, Amazon Alexa etc.)

Alexa and Siri, listen up! Teaching machines to really hear us