
Tourism is travel for pleasure or business, and the commercial activity of providing and supporting such travel.

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With an Orange-Tufted Spiderhunter, Birder Breaks Record for Sightings

Study: Most Sightings of UAPs Occur in American West

Honeybee Swarms Darken U.K. Skies, Sending Beekeepers Scrambling

New Support for Some Extinct Tasmanian Tiger Sightings

UFO Sightings and COVID-19 Pandemic Link Tested in Surprising New Research

Some UAP Sightings Don’t Fit Current Physics, Pentagon And Harvard Experts Say

Balloon Sightings Continue... Now Near Hawaii And Over China

The US Military Keeps Spotting UFOs With Inexplicable Capabilities

The most famous Bigfoot sightings

Following the Pentagon’s lead, NASA expands its official definition of ‘UAP’ to study sightings in All Domains (Space, atmosphere and Undersea)

US military reports 'several hundred' UFO sightings in 2022, Pentagon officials claim

Pentagon changes ‘UAP’ terminology as it looks to investigate unexplainable sightings across all domains (Air, Undersea, Space)

US military reports 'several hundred' UFO sightings in 2022, Pentagon officials claim

NASA's UFO panel convenes to study unclassified sightings

NYC beaches briefly closed for swimming after 'multiple' shark sightings

N.Y. Lifeguards Now Watch for Sharks, Facing Dramatic Increase in Sightings