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Palaeognath Birds are Capable of Technical Innovation, Study Shows

Children with mild peanut allergy may be able to eat peanut butter, trial shows

Forest landowner motivation to control invasive species depends on land use, study shows

Greenland ice sheet cracking more rapidly than ever, study shows

Women speak 3,000 more words daily than men during midlife, study shows

People prefer meat alternatives if they are significantly cheaper than real meat, study shows

Scratching an Itch Promotes Allergic Inflammation, Study Shows

Daily Glass of Milk May Reduce Bowel Cancer Risk by Up to 14%, Study Shows

Your work habits may be threatening your sleep, USF research shows - EurekAlert

Pollinators most vulnerable to rising global temperatures are flies, study shows - EurekAlert

Pollinators most vulnerable to rising global temperatures are flies, study shows

Handwriting activates broader brain networks than typing, study shows

Portable MRI shows promise for expanding brain imaging for Alzheimer's disease

Living Material Made From Blood Can Repair Bones, Study Shows

Black men — including transit workers — are targets for aggression on public transportation, study shows - EurekAlert

Venting Doesn't Reduce Anger, But Something Else Does, Study Shows

Intense Cold Exposure Might Actually Help You Sleep Better, Study Shows

Just 5 Minutes of Exercise a Day Can Lower Blood Pressure, Study Shows

The Myth that Musicians Die at 27 Shows How Superstitions Are Made

Surprising 'Nocebo Effect' Shows Gluten May Not Be The Problem in IBS