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A light-year, alternatively spelled light year, is a large unit of length used to express astronomical distances and is equivalent to about 9.46 trillion kilometers (9.46×1012 km), or 5.88 trillion miles (5.88×1012 mi).

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UCL space mission could shed light on history of Earth, say researchers ahead of launch

FAST telescope helps shed light on spinning pulsar spider systems

JWST's Glimpses of Early Galaxies Could Shed Light on Dark Matter

Queen Hetepheres’ Silver Bracelets Shed Light on Trade Networks in Ancient Egypt

Rats fooled by optical illusion may shed light on evolution of the eye

Observations shed light on neutron star paradox

Oldest known bat skeletons shed light on early mammalian flight

Jellyfish and fruit flies shed light on the origin of hunger regulation

New Potential for Immunotherapy: Scientists Shed Light on How Immune Cells Respond to Cancer Cells

We used DNA from Beethoven's hair to shed light on his poor health – and stumbled upon a family secret

Ancient Genomes Shed Light on the Migration Across the Bering Sea

New insights into cellular 'bridges' shed light on development, disease

Researchers have scanned the fossils of Baryonyx and Ceratosuchops to help shed light on how these large predatory dinosaurs interacted with their surroundings.

Mars helicopter Ingenuity’s historic 1st flights shed light on Martian dust dynamics

New knowledge about ice sheet movement can shed light on when sea levels will rise

First stem cells from a bat species known to harbor SARS-CoV-2 could shed light on virus survival and molecular adaptability

New UFO docuseries seeks to shed light on flying saucer folklore

Far-Reaching Implications: Scientists Shed Light on the “Original Antigenic Sin”

New models shed light on life's origin

515-Million-Year-Old Fossils Shed Light on Evolution of Annelid Worms