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A strip of electronic skin that wraps around a robot’s finger can detect pressure, friction, and strain. This is the first time that researchers have arranged a variety of different types of sensors in complex 3D layouts similar to those of sensory cells in human skin.

“Electronic Spider Silk” Sensors: Revolutionizing Bioelectronics With Eco-Friendly Technology

Laser printing on fallen tree leaves produces sensors for medical and laboratory use - EurekAlert

Monitoring the heavens: Space Force has 1,000 'priority targets,' 600 sensors

Space Force to upgrade sensors for in-orbit testing, training

Pentagon UFO office developing 'Gremlin' sensors to help identify anomalies in orbit

Study detects cognitive changes in older drivers using in-vehicle sensors

Sensors made from 'frozen smoke' can detect toxic formaldehyde in homes and offices

Sensors And Drones Deployed To Fight Disease In Peruvian Amazon

Spray-on sensors can turn any clothing into motion-sensing technology

One-atom-thick ribbons could improve batteries, solar cells and sensors