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Exploring our sense of touch from every angle - EurekAlert

More and more American claim to own guns for self-defense. This may be due to a sense of lack of safety and a response to both general and specific threats. Potential causes include the pandemic, changes in gun advertisement, and spread of conspiracy theories such as the great replacement theory.

A Single Mutation Gave These Fish a Sense of Curiosity And Opened Up Their World

AI chips could get a sense of time

Switching Off a Sense of Touch Could Put Some in World of Pain

Robots' and prosthetic hands' sense of touch could be as fast as humans

Team studies factors related to a sense of economic insecurity in older adults - EurekAlert

Team studies factors related to a sense of economic insecurity in older adults

Mental Time Travel Boosts Sense of Control and Self-Esteem

How a 'conductor' makes sense of chaos in early mouse embryos

How a 'conductor' makes sense of chaos in early mouse embryos - EurekAlert

Mice With Hybrid Brains Can Perceive The World Using a Rat's Sense of Smell

The "science of weird shit" and making sense of the paranormal

Rat Neurons Repair Mouse Brains That Lack a Sense of Smell

It's Back! Voyager Is Making Sense Again After Months of Gibberish

Some Images Are So Memorable They Can Mess With Your Sense of Time

New Research Reveals That Your Sense of Smell May Be Smarter Than You Think

The sense of smell is influenced by cues from other senses

How a Snake Uses the Sense of Smell

VR headsets vulnerable to 'Inception attacks' — where hackers can mess with your sense of reality and steal your data