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Eco-friendly actions boost happiness as much as hobbies, research shows - Study found that engaging in proenvironmental behaviors—such as cleaning up litter, reducing waste, or using sustainable transportation—boosts happiness and a sense of meaning.

Cuttlefish ink may overwhelm sharks’ sense of smell

A Scientist Reveals 5 Amazing Facts About Your Sense of Smell

New technique for investigating sense of smell in fish - EurekAlert

Mystery of Spiders' Sense of Smell May Finally Be Solved in New Study

You can't put a price on the sense of awe particle physics inspires

Humans without a sense of smell breathe differently

Novel visualization method helps make sense of large neuronal activity datasets

Sonic Sorcery: How “Jedi” Rodents Remotely Move Matter To Sharpen Their Sense of Smell

Your Sense of Smell Changes The Way You Breathe, Study Reveals

Scientists discover troubling brain changes in COVID-19 patients who lost sense of smell

NMR Spectroscopy: a faster way to determine the “sense of rotation” of molecules - EurekAlert

Bumblebees lose most of their sense of smell after heat waves

RNA editing plays critical role in fruit flies’ sense of smell and social interactions - EurekAlert

Bumble bees lose their sense of smell after heat waves

Why is COVID-19 surging again—and do shots still make sense?

How Might Months Stranded in Space Affect Astronauts' Sense of Time?

New way to control the sense of touch

Studying how serotonin alters locust's sense of smell

“Doesn’t Make Any Sense” – Star Pair That Shouldn’t Exist Shocks Astronomers