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Biosensor reveals gibberellin's critical role in legume nitrogen-fixation -- paving the way for self-fertilizing cereals

Beat the Heat: How Self-Cooling Artificial Turf is Transforming Cities

Gravitational trajectory adopted by Apollo-11 program to reach the Moon is named after a self-educated Ukrainian mathematician who had made calculations 50 years before the Lunar Flight: Kondratyuk Route

Magic mushrooms temporarily 'dissolve' brain network responsible for sense of self

Self-Awareness Might Not Have Evolved to Benefit The Self After All

Google creates self-replicating life from digital 'primordial soup'

Self-cooling artificial grass could help cities handle extreme weather

Self-driving technology: improving safety through sound - EurekAlert

Advanced Meditation Alters Consciousness and Our Basic Sense of Self

Chimpanzees seen self-medicating with healing plants when sick or injured

People Are Self-Diagnosing Mental Illness. Is It Helpful or Harmful?

On robust cross-view consistency in self-supervised monocular depth estimation - EurekAlert

Self-assembling and disassembling swarm molecular robots via DNA molecular controller - EurekAlert

Self-assembling and disassembling swarm molecular robots via DNA molecular controller

'Self-taught' AI tool helps to diagnose and predict severity of common lung cancer

This self-powered sensor could make MRIs more efficient - EurekAlert

This self-powered sensor could make MRIs more efficient

How Much Water Would a Self-Sustaining Moonbase Need?

On self-driving, Waymo is playing chess while Tesla plays checkers

Energy-economic assessment of self-sufficient microgrid based on wind turbine, photovoltaic field, wood gasifier, battery, and hydrogen energy storage