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Security veins: Advanced biometric authentication through AI and infrared

Security veins: Advanced biometric authentication through AI and infrared - EurekAlert

From logs to security: How process analysis is transforming access control - EurekAlert

How we classify flood risk may give developers, home buyers a false sense of security

Unmatched Data Capacity and Security With Revolutionary Vortex Beams

Strategies for safe and equitable access to water: A catalyst for global peace and security

Safety and security: Study shines light on factors behind refugees' resilience

MIT’s Quantum Locks Tighten Security on Cloud AI

Open source maintainers underpaid, swamped by security, going gray

Guaranteeing Security and Privacy: New Quantum Breakthrough Could Benefit Millions of People

Workers with job flexibility and security have better mental health

Unlocking the Future of Security With MIT’s Terahertz Cryptographic ID Tags

The sunscreen paradox: Researchers warn of 'false sense of security'