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Some bacteria evolve like clockwork with the seasons

Some bacteria evolve like clockwork with the seasons - EurekAlert

Moral Judgments May Shift with the Seasons

‘Ice bucket challenge’ reveals that bacteria can anticipate the seasons - EurekAlert

'Ice bucket challenge' reveals that bacteria can anticipate the seasons

People's moral values change with the seasons - EurekAlert

People's moral values change with the seasons

Common plastics could passively cool and heat buildings with the seasons

Research shows how common plastics could passively cool and heat buildings with the seasons - EurekAlert

Gene expression of a tropical starfish fluctuates between the seasons - EurekAlert

'Star Trek: Discovery' season 5 episode 4 uses time travel to remember the past 5 seasons

365 days of satellite images show Earth's seasons changing from space (video)

This Exoplanet 580 Light-Years From Earth Might Have Seasons Just Like Ours.

Earth isn't the only planet with seasons, but they can look wildly different on other worlds

How Being Wobbly Gives Earth and Possibly Other Planets Their Seasons

Earth isn't the only planet with seasons, but they can look wildly different on other worlds

Good news, everyone! Hulu renews 'Futurama' for 2 more seasons

Link between seasons and eating habits

Chameleon-inspired coating could cool and warm buildings through the seasons

The Seasons on Saturn are Changing. It's Time to Say Goodbye to Its North Pole for a Few Years