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Microrobots Swarm the Seas, Capturing Microplastics and Bacteria [Video]

A ruinous hailstorm in Spain may have been supercharged by warming seas

Nanocellulose is increasingly safe for our seas, according to findings from a study conducted on mussels - EurekAlert

Mars attracts: How the Red Planet influences Earth's climate and seas

Europa may have less oxygen to fuel life in its seas than we thought

New fossils suggest kelp forests have swayed in the seas for at least 32 million years

Methane Icebergs Could Float in Titan’s Seas

Large predator worms ruled the seas as Earth’s earliest carnivores, study finds

A 'fish cartel' for Africa could benefit the countries, and their seas

Why a surprising discovery, warming seas and the demise of the 'Meg' may spell trouble for more and more sharks

Icy Oceans Exist on Far-Off Moons. Why Aren’t They Frozen Solid? The moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn appear to have subsurface oceans — tantalizing targets in the search for life beyond Earth. But it’s not clear why these seas exist at all.

Mini-Subs Could One Day Ply the Seas Under Europa’s Ice