
In common usage, salt is a mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride (NaCl).

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Too Much Salt? Why Even “Healthy” Eaters Are at Risk for Stomach Cancer

Elucidating the photosynthetic mechanism of purple sulfur bacteria living in high-salt, high-alkaline environments

Elucidating the photosynthetic mechanism of purple sulfur bacteria living in high-salt, high-alkaline environments - EurekAlert

New England’s salt marshes store 10 million cars’ worth of carbon—and add another 15,000-worth every year - EurekAlert

AI chip smaller than a grain of salt uses light to decode data

The World Just Got New Advice on Salt. Here's What You Need to Know.

Lost sulfur in the universe may reside in salt on dust and pebbles

F.D.A. Proposes New Food Labels to Detail Sugar, Fat and Salt Content

Salt batteries are finally shaping up – that's good for the planet

One Gram of Salt Is The Difference For Millions of Heart Attacks

Just Salt and Water: Scientists Discover Simple Remedy To Help Treat Childhood Colds

When the Mediterranean Turned to Salt: Scientists Shed New Light on Ancient Marine Mystery

How Salt Triggers Multiple Sclerosis and Other Autoimmune Diseases: Yale’s Groundbreaking Discovery

Surprise Discovery: Scientists Discover New Anti-Cancer Potential of Salt

To regenerate the kidney, please don't pass the salt

To regenerate the kidney, please don't pass the salt - EurekAlert

Why do 1 in 10 Americans get eczema? Is it too much salt?

Eczema may sometimes be caused by eating too much salt

How a Single Gram of Salt Can Aggravate Your Eczema

Do You Add Salt to Your Food? It Could Be Increasing Your Risk of Stomach Cancer by 40%