Killer Smiles: Why Saber-Toothed Teeth Were Evolution’s Masterpiece
Study: Saber-Toothed Predators’ Teeth were Highly Effective at Puncturing Prey
World's oldest mammalian ancestor discovered in Mallorca. It is the oldest known gorgonopsian on the planet, the lineage of saber-toothed predators that would eventually give rise to mammals.
Stunningly Preserved Saber-Toothed Kitten Studied in World First
Saber-toothed kitten frozen in Siberian ice reveals new details about species
Just 2 Inches: Tiny Fossil Rewrites Our Understanding of Saber-Toothed Cats
Saber-Toothed Tigers Held onto Their Milk Teeth to Stabilize Their Sabers, Study Suggests
These Massive, Extinct Salmon Had Spiky Teeth Like a Warthog’s Tusks. For decades, scientists thought the teeth pointed downward, similar to those of a saber-toothed cat, but now they believe the fish’s chompers jutted out sideways.
Evidence suggests saber-toothed cats held onto their baby teeth to stabilize their sabers
The double-fanged adolescence of saber-toothed cats
The double-fanged adolescence of saber-toothed cats - EurekAlert
Ancient ‘Saber-Toothed’ Salmon Had Tusk-Like Teeth, New Study Shows
Exceptional Fossil of Saber-Toothed Marsupial Relative Unearthed in Colombia