
Ryūgū-jō or Ryūgū is the supernatural undersea palace of Ryūjin or Dragon God in Japanese tradition. It is best known as the place in fairytale where Urashima Tarō was invited after saving a turtle, where he was entertained by the Dragon God's princess Oto-hime and his minions, but when Urashima returned back to land after what he thought was a few days away, centuries had passed.

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Earth Life Found inside Ryugu Asteroid Samples

Ryugu asteroid sample rapidly colonized by terrestrial life despite strict contamination control

Japan's priceless asteroid Ryugu sample got 'rapidly colonized' by Earth bacteria

The Ryugu asteroid sample was colonized by terrestrial life. Researchers found that a sample of the asteroid Ryugu was rapidly colonized by terrestrial microorganisms, even under strict contamination control measures.

Samples recovered from Ryugu asteroid reveal how our solar system formed

Ryugu Surprises Scientists Again: New Clues Reveal Asteroid’s Birth Near Jupiter

A new birthplace for asteroid Ryugu

Probing the effects of interplanetary space on asteroid Ryugu

Unlocking the Mysteries of Life: Scientists Decode Asteroid Ryugu’s Cometary Organic Matter

Asteroid Ryugu Contained Bonus Comet Particles

Messenger comets might be why Earth has life, asteroid Ryugu samples suggest

Scientists have discovered “evidence” of the seeds of life from space in samples of the Ryugu asteroid

Records of cometary dust hitting the asteroid Ryugu

Rethinking Cosmic Origins: The Ryugu Asteroid Samples’ Revelatory Findings

Life beyond Earth may form in the coldest depths of space, Ryugu asteroid samples reveal

Ryugu samples illuminate terrestrial weathering effects on primitive meteorites

What would happen if the asteroid Ryugu hit Earth?

Asteroid Ryugu Contains Niacin (aka Vitamin B3)

Asteroid samples brought back to Earth from Ryugu found to contain uracil, one of the four nucleotide bases in RNA. The discovery adds weight to the theory that basic organic molecules may have arrived on Earth from outer space.

Scientists Find Vitamin B3 and Uracil in Samples from Asteroid Ryugu