Rural America

Rural areas in the United States, often referred to as Rural America, consists of approximately 97% of the United States' land area. An estimated 60 million people, or one-in-five residents, live in Rural America. Definitions vary from different parts of the United States government as to what constitutes these areas. Rural areas tend to be poorer and older than other parts of the United States, in part because of rural flight, declining infrastructure and economic prospects. This declining population also results in less access to services, such as high quality medical and education systems.

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In Rural America, Covid Hits Black and Hispanic People Hardest

Omicron hit rural America harder than cities

Third wave of COVID-19 hit rural America especially hard

Starlink, Internet From Space and the Precarious Future of Broadband in Rural America

Starlink, Internet from Space and the Precarious Future of Broadband in Rural America

Faith, Freedom, Fear: Rural America’s Covid Vaccine Skeptics