
Land Rover is a British brand of predominantly four-wheel drive, off-road capable vehicles, owned by multinational car manufacturer Jaguar Land Rover (JLR), since 2008 a subsidiary of India's Tata Motors.

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China's tiny 'Golden Toad' rover used AI to take an epic photo on the moon's far side (video)

NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover Unlocks the Geologic Mysteries of Bright Angel

India's ambitious 2nd Mars mission to include a rover, helicopter, sky crane and a supersonic parachute

NASA, European Space Agency Unite to Land Europe’s Rover on Mars

Want to Start a Farm on Mars? This Rover Will Find Out if it’s Possible

Rock Sampled by NASA’s Perseverance Embodies Why Rover Came to Mars

Into the Belly of the Rover: VIPER’s Final Science Instrument Installed

NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover Spots Ingenuity Helicopter at Its Final Resting Place

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Explores an Ancient River on Mars [Video]

Shadow Play: NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover Captures a Martian Day, From Dawn to Dusk

Japan is sending a rover to Mars's moon Phobos in 2024

Australia votes to name its 1st moon rover 'Roo-ver'

Australia's first Moon rover to be named Roo-ver

Japan's ispace unveils micro rover for its 2nd moon mission

Lunar Daylight Dawns, yet India’s Moon Lander and Rover Have Failed To Wake Up

Day Has Returned, but India’s Lander and Rover have Failed to Wake Up

Within the Margin: NASA’s Perseverance Rover Kicks Off New Campaign on Mars

India's moon lander and rover are about to wake up from a nearly month-long nap as the sun rises on the moon again

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover wraps up MOXIE oxygen-making experiment

A device on NASA's Perseverance rover generated enough oxygen on Mars for a small dog to breathe for 10 hours. Astronauts could be next.