room temperature

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New diamond tech could amplify signals of humanity’s farthest spacecraft by 1000x | This diamond has a unique spin system that allows it to amplify weak signals at room temperature.

Superconductors at Room Temperature? UIC’s Groundbreaking Materials Could Make It Possible

Room temperature electrical control could heat up future technology development - EurekAlert

Room temperature electrical control could heat up future technology development

Breakthrough Organic Thermoelectric Device Harvests Energy From Room Temperature

New organic thermoelectric device that can harvest energy at room temperature

New Device Harvests Energy at Room Temperature Without a Temperature Gradient

New organic thermoelectric device that can harvest energy at room temperature - EurekAlert

Catalyst removes NOx pollutants at room temperature

New technique prints metal oxide thin film circuits at room temperature

New technique prints metal oxide thin film circuits at room temperature - EurekAlert

Defying Gravity: Nanostrings That Mimic Quantum Effects at Room Temperature

Nitrogen-doped carbon layers boosts efficiency and stability of nickel catalysts at room temperature - EurekAlert

Stable magnetic bundles achieved at room temperature and zero magnetic field - EurekAlert

Purdue researchers improve the plasticity of ceramic materials at room temperature - EurekAlert

Laser light induces magnetism at room temperature

Scientists Use Lasers to Induce Magnetism at Room Temperature, Defying Conventional Quantum Limits

Quantum Computing Breakthrough: Scientists Develop New Photonic Approach That Works at Room Temperature

Quantum Computing Breakthrough: Stable Qubits at Room Temperature

A 'quantum leap' at room temperature