Rock on Mars

The Mars trilogy is a series of science fiction novels by Kim Stanley Robinson that chronicles the settlement and terraforming of the planet Mars through the personal and detailed viewpoints of a wide variety of characters spanning almost two centuries.

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Mmm. Perseverance Finds a Doughnut-Shaped Rock on Mars.

What Created This Mini Book-Shaped Rock on Mars?

Curiosity rover finds water-carved 'book' rock on Mars (photo)

A “Novel” Discovery: NASA’s Curiosity Rover Finds a Book-Like Rock on Mars

NASA Rover Spots Strange Rock On Mars

NASA discovers mysterious balanced rock on Mars, igniting debate over how it happened

Curiosity Rover Finds a Bizarre Rock on Mars That Looks Like a Flower

Curiosity Finds a Bizarre Rock on Mars that Looks Like a Flower

Unusual coral-shaped rock on Mars seen by Curiosity (Sol 3397)

What's up with this weird green rock on Mars? Perseverance rover is trying to find out.

What's up with this weird green rock on Mars? Perseverance rover is trying to find out.

NASA Perseverance rover investigates 'odd' rock on Mars, zaps it with a laser

NASA Perseverance rover investigates 'odd' rock on Mars, zaps it with a laser

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Uses Its SuperCam Instrument to Laser Zap a Rock on Mars