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Would You Trust Robot to Look After Your Cat?

Comparative analysis of robot-assisted language learning systems and human tutors in English conversation lessons - EurekAlert

Is There a Human Hiding behind That Robot or AI? A Brief History of Automatons That Were Actually People

Turning plants blue with gene editing could make robot weeding easier

This robot can tell when you’re about to smile — and smile back

‘Yell at your robot’ technique teaches robots household chores

Robot, can you say 'cheese'?

This robot predicts when you're going to smile – and smiles back

Paper planes made by a robot fly better than ones made by humans

Method rapidly verifies that a robot will avoid collisions

This robot can figure out how to open almost any door on its own

Robot trained to read braille at twice the speed of humans

Watch a robot with living muscles walk through water

Watch a robot made of muscle and steel turn on a dime

DNA Decoding and Robot Rendezvous: The Latest Scientific Innovation on the Space Station

Robot with sense of touch grabs ocean trash without harming sea life

How do you make a robot smarter? Program it to know what it doesn't know

Robot stand-in mimics movements in VR

A robot that can detect subtle noises in its surroundings and use them to localize nearby humans

Let the Robot Take the Wheel. Autonomous Navigation in Space