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From the road to the cloud: leveraging vehicle GNSS raw data for spatial high-resolution atmospheric mapping and ... - EurekAlert

Road of no return — loss of TP53 paves a defined evolution path from gastric preneoplasia-to-cancer - EurekAlert

Child pedestrians, self-driving vehicles: What's the safest scenario for crossing the road? - EurekAlert

When did the chicken cross the road? New evidence from Central Asia

Carbon-negative decking could lock up CO2 equivalent to taking 50,000 cars off the road

Nature’s Fork in the Road: Soil’s Carbon Capture Dilemma

Liftoff! NASA’s Pace Soars Into Space Coast Sky – The Long and Winding Road To Launch

Having big UK meat-eaters cut some of it out of their diet would be like taking 8 million cars off the road.

Performing evasive maneuvers increases satellites' collision risk down the road

Fossil found on the side of the road is a new species of mosasaur

Plant presumed extinct sprouts in a road after more than 40 years

‘Crossings’ explores the science of road ecology