
Sunrise (or sunup) is the moment when the upper rim of the Sun appears on the horizon in the morning.

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Superbugs on the Rise: How Diabetes Fuels the Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance

Half a degree further rise in global warming will triple area of Earth too hot for humans

Alarming rise in rates of advanced prostate cancer in California

Infant mortality rates declining, but Sudden Unexpected Infant Death is on the rise

An encouraging phenomenon amid the rise of an - EurekAlert

Rare genetic mutation has given rise to a new human blood group

Megadroughts are on the rise worldwide

A Growing Crisis: The Rise of Doctor Strikes and the Need for Urgent Solutions

Ketamine use on the rise in U.S. adults; new trends emerge

Pets Taking Cocaine on The Rise According to Recent Helpline Study

Water’s Worst Nightmare: The Rise of Superhydrophobic Materials

Research Finds Vaccines Are Not Behind the Rise in Autism. So What Is?

Engineers grow 'high-rise' 3D chips

World's oldest mammalian ancestor discovered in Mallorca. It is the oldest known gorgonopsian on the planet, the lineage of saber-toothed predators that would eventually give rise to mammals.

Is social media fuelling a rise in eating disorders?

Shoddy commentaries—a quick and dirty route to higher impact numbers—are on the rise

Fossilized Digestive Contents Shed Light on Rise of Dinosaurs

The Rise of The Dinosaurs Can Be Tracked in Their Fossilized Poop

Fossilised droppings tell the story of dinosaurs' rise to power

HIV Cases Reach Lowest Point Since Rise of Disease in 1980s