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The most powerful rocket ever built exploded over a populated island. Residents are still dealing with the fallout

Residents of unburned homes reported health symptoms months after Marshall Fire

Months after Colorado's Marshall Fire, residents of surviving homes reported health symptoms, poor air quality

Months after Colorado's Marshall Fire, residents of surviving homes reported health symptoms, poor air quality - EurekAlert

One small step for Alberta town: Residents of Athabasca hope to share name with lunar rover

Gentrification can leave residents feeling powerless and alienated in their own neighborhood, research shows - EurekAlert

Underwater caves yield new clues about Sicily's first residents

Underwater caves yield new clues about Sicily’s first residents - EurekAlert

Robust family medicine residency programs help residents meet scholarly output requirements - EurekAlert

Residents in San Joaquin Valley breathe chemical pesticides, according to new study

Urban Tree Planting Linked to Reduced Inflammation in Residents

Study shows reduced inflammation in residents after adding trees to their neighborhoods

Site new care homes near trees and away from busy roads to protect residents' lungs

This isn’t just a research topic; it’s a real-life situation on an island where residents have destroyed their natural protections.

Researchers, tribes, residents prepare for a century of sediment released from the Klamath dams

Texas found startling amounts of a cancer-causing chemical in the air outside Houston. Nobody told the residents.

PFAS 'Forever Chemicals' Found in Freshwater Fish, Yet Most States Don't Warn Residents