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Top Alzheimer’s researcher goes ‘on leave’ amid misconduct concerns

Handling the hype: Researcher seeks to improve science communication

Researcher finds AI could help improve city planning

Researcher trains AI to predict diarrheal outbreaks related to climate change

Acclaimed WVU doctor and researcher elected to National Academy of Medicine - EurekAlert

Researcher works to preserve the white shark in the Mediterranean Sea

How does the brain react to birth control? A researcher scanned herself 75 times to find out. Extensive scans reveal rhythmic changes in the brain throughout the menstrual cycle and while on the pill.

Researcher receives grant to study and restore tropical rainforest ecology - EurekAlert

Researcher receives grant to enhance quantum machine learning education - EurekAlert

Tracking microplastics: Researcher helps discover how microplastics move for better storm water management

Researcher aims to reduce motor vehicle accidents - EurekAlert

This researcher studies how misinformation seeps into science and politics

By studying the eyes, a researcher explores how the brain sorts information

Researcher awarded $600,000 grant to study therapeutics to mitigate obesity-linked diabetes - EurekAlert

University of Cincinnati Cancer Center researcher studies combination therapy to improve leukemia treatment - EurekAlert

Researcher develops technology to provide cleaner energy and cleaner water - EurekAlert

Alien Visitation Claims Are Widespread Societal Problem, Researcher Says

University of Guam researcher discovers unusual mortality rates in surgeonfishes - EurekAlert

Researcher earns NIH grant to study thousands of natural products for anticancer properties - EurekAlert

Researcher finds sound progress in babies' speech development