research team

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Saturn's ocean moon Enceladus is able to support life − my research team is working out how to detect extraterrestrial cells there

Saturn’s ocean moon Enceladus is able to support life − my research team is working out how to detect extraterrestrial cells there

Research team discovers more than 50 potentially new deep-sea species in one of the most unexplored areas of the planet

Research team led by Case Western Reserve awarded $2.75 million from Department of Defense to advance clot ... - EurekAlert

An international team of astronomers has discovered 49 new gas-rich galaxies using the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa | Although the research team didn't find any star-forming gas in the galaxy they were studying, instead discovered other galaxies while inspecting the data.

Research team breaks down musical instincts with AI

Moon rocks with unique dust found: Research team studies interaction of dust with boulders and discovers potentially anomalous rocks

Texas A&M Team Develops Polymers That Can Kill Bacteria - Dr. Quentin Michaudel and his research team have created a new family of polymers capable of killing bacteria without inducing antibiotic resistance — a major step in the fight against superbugs like E. coli and MRSA.