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Eco-friendly actions boost happiness as much as hobbies, research shows - Study found that engaging in proenvironmental behaviors—such as cleaning up litter, reducing waste, or using sustainable transportation—boosts happiness and a sense of meaning.

Tencent seems unaffected by US AI chip export ban, research shows

'Misokinesia' Phenomenon Could Affect 1 in 3 People, Research Shows

Sleep Can Actually Help You Make Better Decisions, Research Shows

Pandemic-era increase in alcohol use persists, research shows

Gentrification can leave residents feeling powerless and alienated in their own neighborhood, research shows - EurekAlert

Electric Car Drivers More Likely To Cause Accidents, Research Shows

You can change your personality intentionally, research shows

Pollution May Affect the Color of City Birds, Research Shows

Autism Severity Linked to Brain Overgrowth, Research Shows

'Misokinesia' Phenomenon May Affect 1 in 3 People, Research Shows

Bicycle rolling-stop laws don't lead to unsafe behavior by riders or motorists, research shows

Bicycle rolling-stop laws don’t lead to unsafe behavior by riders or motorists, research shows - EurekAlert

Cannabis could help people cut down or stop opioid use, research shows

Warehousing industry increases health-harming pollutants, research shows

Pompeii Wrecked by Earthquake at Same Time as Vesuvius Eruption, Research Shows

Taylor Swift’s impact on fans’ body image attitudes mostly positive, research shows - EurekAlert

US states shape foreign policy amid national China unease, research shows - EurekAlert

Some countries could meet their total electricity needs from floating solar panels, research shows - EurekAlert

Furry thieves are running loose in a Maine forest, research shows