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Crimea videos show fires blazing as space radar targeted with ATACMS—report

Denver Basic Income Project gave homeless people cash and saved taxpayers almost $600,000 in the process, report says

France should create an NIH <em>à la française</em> to boost biomedical research, report urges

US condemns failed North Korean rocket launch as breach of international security: report

Astronomy has a bullying and harassment issue: 'Results presented in this report are bleak'

UK asylum process damaging to health, report reveals - EurekAlert

Top oil firms’ climate pledges failing on almost every metric, report finds

Report slams Dutch archaeologist couple for intimidation, abuse of power, and theft of human remains

China's Tiangong space station damaged by debris strike: report

'Green muscle memory' and climate education promote behavior change: Report

AI Report Shows ‘Startlingly Rapid’ Progress—And Ballooning Costs

AI Report Shows ‘Startlingly Rapid’ Progress—And Ballooning Costs

A BiCIKL ride to the Empowering Biodiversity Research conference for a report on a 3-year endeavor towards FAIR ... - EurekAlert

Smallpox may be gone but U.S. should better prepare for its return, report says

Elon Musk's SpaceX is building a network of spy satellites for U.S. intelligence, report says. SpaceX’s dominance in the satellite internet market has given Musk enormous power in matters of war and geopolitics.

Astronomers discover a possible water world in the search for a habitable planet, report says

New UAE astronauts prepare for Ramadan and family reunions: report

‘They lied’: plastics producers deceived public about recycling, report reveals

NASA and Russia will keep launching each other's astronauts to ISS until 2025: report

Chinese rocket booster falls from space, crashes near house, after satellite launch: report