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Peer inside remnants of an 800-year-old supernova and see a 'zombie' star

Remnants of Sprawling Ancient Cities Are Found in the Amazon

Scientists think they’ve found remnants of Theia within the Earth's mantle

A study suggests that the Earth’s interior hides the remnants of another planet

Blobs near Earth’s core are remnants of collision with another planet, study says

Strange blobs in Earth’s mantle are relics of a massive collision | Impact with a body called Theia 4.5 billion years ago left remnants deep inside Earth — and also created the Moon.

A chunk of the 'protoplanet' that made the moon may be stuck near Earth's core

Plate tectonic surprise: Geologist unexpectedly finds remnants of a lost mega-plate

Surprising Tectonic Discovery: Geologist Unexpectedly Finds Remnants of a Lost Mega-Plate

Caribbean Parrots Are Remnants Of A Millennial Scale Extinction

Hundreds of supernova remnants remain hidden in our galaxy. These astronomers want to find them