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3D-printed knee implants improves quality and reliability - EurekAlert
Electric Vehicles Now Rival Traditional Cars in Reliability and Lifespan, Study Finds
Two-way water transfers can ensure reliability, save money for urban and agricultural users during drought in Western U.S.
Earthquake prediction techniques lend quick insight into strength, reliability of materials
New study: Earthquake prediction techniques lend quick insight into strength, reliability of materials - EurekAlert
Marine experts challenge reliability of vessel strike prediction models - EurekAlert
ETRI establishes international standards for AI safety and reliability support - EurekAlert
Engineers use data to manage grid transformers, boosting reliability to homes, farms - EurekAlert
New Method Improves Wireless Network Speed and Reliability
How to assess a general-purpose AI model's reliability before it's deployed
SwRI evaluates reliability of pressure relief valves for liquid natural gas tanks in train derailment scenarios - EurekAlert
Improving efficiency, reliability of AI medical summarization tools
New technology could reduce lag, improve reliability of online gaming, meetings