Sneaky clocks: uncovering Einstein’s relativity in an interacting atomic playground - EurekAlert
Studying the stars, testing relativity: Sir Arthur Eddington
DESI Tests Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Across 11 Billion Years of Cosmic History
Is the Universe Defying Einstein? New Discoveries Challenge Relativity
Testing Einstein’s Relativity: NASA Unleashes Ultra-Cool Quantum Technology in Space
Study finds black holes made from light are impossible — challenging Einstein's theory of relativity
Study finds black holes made from light are impossible — challenging Einstein's theory of relativity
New warp drive concept does twist space, doesn’t move us very fast. While it won't make a useful spaceship engine, it may tell us more about relativity.
Tweak to Schrödinger's cat equation could unite Einstein's relativity and quantum mechanics, study hints
Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity Leads to Revolutionary Gravastar Model
Einstein’s Enigma: How a Mysterious Cosmic Object in Milky Way Could Test Relativity Like Never Before
Why you age slower on a plane (and other incredibly strange effects of relativity)
Lost In Space? Just Use Relativity
Lost In Space? Just Use Relativity
What Is The General Theory of Relativity?
Science Made Simple: What Is the Theory of Relativity?
Ultracold atoms in space will let us stress test Einstein's relativity
Is Anything Absolute with Relativity?
Physics Unraveled: Accelerating Waves and the Mysteries of Time and Relativity
Supermassive Black Hole’s Spin Verified – Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity Shines