
In physics, a redshift is an increase in the wavelength, and corresponding decrease in the frequency and photon energy, of electromagnetic radiation (such as light).

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Identification of more than 40 gravitationally magnified stars in a galaxy at redshift 0.725

RFA Completes Full-Mission Hot Fire Test of Redshift Upper Stage

What Is Redshift?

Webb Reveals Early-Universe Prequel to Huge Galaxy Cluster. The seven galaxies highlighted in this James Webb Space Telescope image have been confirmed to be at a distance that astronomers refer to as redshift 7.9, which correlates to 650 million years after the Big Bang.

Stress testing ΛCDM with high-redshift galaxy candidates | Nature Astronomy

Rapidly growing primordial black holes as seeds of the massive high-redshift JWST Galaxies

New radio-loud high-redshift quasar discovered

Astronomers discover 20 new radio-bright high-redshift quasars

Astronomy & Astrophysics 101: What Is “Redshift?”

Redshift and blueshift: What do they mean?