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Recommendations for mitochondria transfer and transplantation research

Recommendations for mitochondria transfer and transplantation research - EurekAlert

Recommendations for studying the impact of AI on young people's mental health

“How a simple math error sparked a panic about black plastic" The risk would not be enough to discard them, but science should find a way to keep flame retardants out of such items. Researcher finds out they were off by a factor of 10, responds: "this does not impact our results and recommendations"

Biogeochemists make recommendations for tackling 'hidden' phosphorus

Federal Officials Revise Recommendations for R.S.V. Vaccine

In 1969, Nixon appointed a Space Task Group which presented recommendations including building an Earth-orbiting space station, a lunar-orbiting space station, a base on the lunar surface, and a human expedition to Mars. They were too expensive, so Nixon directed NASA to build the Space Shuttle

“Be sustainable”: recommendations for implementation of FAIR principles in life science data handling