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An Arctic 'beyond recognition' by 2100 - EurekAlert

An Arctic 'beyond recognition' by 2100

Morphing facial technology sheds light on the boundaries of self-recognition

Morphing facial technology sheds light on the boundaries of self-recognition - EurekAlert

Snakes show signs of self-recognition in a smell-based 'mirror test'

Dogs’ brain activity shows they recognize the names of objects: Their reaction to the person naming an object might have masked signs of recognition

‘We’re hurting.’ Trans scientists call for recognition and support from research community

First recognition of self in the mirror is spurred by touch

Mice pass the mirror test, a classic indicator of self-recognition

Mice pass the mirror test, a classic indicator of self-recognition

Her work paved the way for blockbuster obesity drugs. Now, she’s fighting for recognition

Where is the love? Musical recognition crosses cultures — with an exception

Caroline Herschel was England's first female professional astronomer, but still lacks name recognition two centuries later