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A recent study has analyzed the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) using computer models and found no evidence of a long-term weakening over the past 60 years.

Recent Study Suggests That The Surface Of Mars May Be Saturated With Carbon Dioxide That Could Be Converted Into Rocket Fuel

Since the 1950s, birth rates have plummeted in the developing world. A recent study analyzes two competing, long-debated explanations and finds that neither is entirely accurate.

Recent study reveals reduced maths performance of adults with Dyspraxia

Recent study reveals key immune cells as critical factors in lung cancer prognosis - EurekAlert

Resurrection plants have adapted to survive drought by completely drying out, down to less than 10% water in their tissues. A recent study in Nature Plants identifies one gene family that is consistently duplicated across species that can "resurrect," hinting at an underlying genetic mechanism.

A recent study links the evolution of multicellularity to the extreme environmental conditions of the so-called Snowball Earth period, when glaciers may have stretched from the poles to the equator.

Recent study unveils the havoc that space can wreak on the human body, including impacts on blood, cells, and the immune system

Eerie Lampreys Hint at the Origins of Our ‘Fight-or-Flight’ Response and Sympathetic Nervous System. The jawless, parasitic fish largely haven’t changed over the last 340 million years, but they might be better sources for studying our own evolution than thought, a recent study suggests.

A recent study found that cannabis pesticide testing accuracy experienced an "overall improvement" between 2019-2023 in the United States

Decades of research suggest that people with hearing loss as they age are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. A recent study now unpacks one molecular mechanism that seems to play a role.

These supermassive black holes, equal to 28 billion Suns, are the heaviest ever measured. A recent study provides insight into what might stop supermassive black holes from merging.

Neurocode launches ALZpath blood test for Alzheimer’s diagnosis. ALZpath’s pTau217 test, which a recent study suggests could be as accurate as a spinal tap, is now available for clinical diagnostic use.

A recent study in mice unpacks some of the biological mechanisms causing the ovaries to age, and offers new ways that fertility might be preserved or even extended past women's mid-30s.

Tiny ‘Robots’ Made From Human Cells Show Wound-Healing Potential. The so-called “anthrobots” can self-assemble and move on their own, and they prompted damaged neurons to regenerate in a recent study.

Remembering fearful memories can cause needless anxiety. A recent study identifies neurons in the mouse brain that keep fearful memories in check, until true danger reoccurs.

In any election, there are usually polarizing issues that sway voters toward one candidate or another. A recent study asked more than 2,000 people to rank their preference for political proposals in the leadup to the 2022 elections in France and Brazil, to identify the most polarizing ideas.

Nostalgia can restore meaning in life for lonely people, according to a recent study in Emotion (Study 1 N = 210; Study 2 N = 229).

Recent study finds dark matter alternative MOND to be extremely unlikely

A recent study outlines a promising approach to fight Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other infectious bacteria. The work identifies and describes especially potent human antibodies against the bacteria.