
Reason Studios (formerly known as Propellerhead Software) is a music software company, based in Stockholm, Sweden.

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Like human brains, large language models reason about diverse data in a general way

New study reveals that sleep prevents unwanted memories from intruding: « Sleep problems play an important role in the onset and maintenance of many mental health problems, but the reason for this link is elusive. »

The Reason Wildfires in L.A. Were So Destructive and an Update on Public Health Outbreaks across the Globe

During the late Pleistocene, many large animal species were simply erased from the planet during a widespread extinction. But the reason hasn't been clear.

Forget aesthetics, the reason to look after our skin should be health

For some reason, NASA is treating Orion’s heat shield problems as a secret

Yet another reason why you should sleep on it before making an important decision

There's a Reason Why The Ozone Hole Will Keep Opening Up For Decades

Can't stop belching? Dietary habits or disease could be the reason

Can’t stop belching? Dietary habits or disease could be the reason - EurekAlert

How six months in space affects your perception of time. Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams were supposed to stay on the space station for about eight days. Part of the reason why waiting is difficult is that it distorts our perception of time.

UVA and the Toyota Research Institute aim to give your car the power to reason - EurekAlert

Why Did Primates Evolve Big Brains? It Might Not Be The Reason You Think

Here's Yet Another Reason to Stay on Top of Your COVID Vaccine Boosters

MIT gives AI the power to 'reason like humans' by creating hybrid architecture

Creepy Study Suggests AI Is The Reason We've Never Found Aliens

Zebra finch chicks don't babble for no reason - EurekAlert

There's One Reason For Feeling Unwell at Work That Almost Half of Us Hide

Could AI be the reason we haven’t encountered alien civilizations?

Totality was a total bust for me — but not for the reason you may think