Real Thing

The Real Thing is a play by Tom Stoppard that was first performed in 1982.

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Synthetic blood platelets might be as good as the real thing to stop bleeding - EurekAlert

Sleep Wrinkles Are a Real Thing, And It's All About How You Sleep

Intense Headaches Triggered by Sex Are a Real Thing, And Can Be Dangerous

Tiny lab-grown testicles look remarkably like the real thing under the microscope

Surreal Numbers Are a Real Thing. Here's How to Make Them

3D printer creates brain tissue that acts like the real thing

3D-printed human brain tissue works like the real thing

This Tiny Version of a Human Heart on a Chip Beats Like The Real Thing

This 'Star Wars: Skeleton Crew' fan trailer has us excited for the real thing

Enzymes can't tell artificial DNA from the real thing

Company Is Working on ‘Synthetic Alcohol’ That Has None of the Negative Side-Effects of the Real Thing

Solar flares made in the lab could teach us about the real thing

MIT’s 3D-Printed Robotic Hearts Look and Pump Just Like the Real Thing

Custom, 3D-printed heart replicas look and pump just like the real thing

Electric toothbrushes are always on sale – but this Black Friday deal is the real thing

Fixing Knee Pain: New Cartilage Substitute Is Better Than the Real Thing

Lab-made mouse embryos grew brains and beating hearts, just like the real thing

Scientists make yeast-free pizza dough that rises like the real thing

Photo or the real thing? Mice can inherently recall and tell them apart

Artificial leaves: Bionic photosynthesis as good as the real thing