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Readers ask about noise pollution and beluga melons

Readers discuss dark energy, Ötzi’s tattoos and sneaky plant invasions

Readers Respond to the March 2024 Issue

Readers react to a rare visual disorder, microplastics in arteries and more

Readers discuss accessible images in print and potassium’s climate potential

Readers Respond to the February 2024 Issue

‘Flavorama’ guides readers through the complex landscape of flavor

Readers consider medical privacy, where sharks rank in food webs

12 of the best total solar eclipse 2024 photos from our readers

Readers Respond to the January 2024 Issue

Readers discuss Mimas’ hidden ocean and ancient cave art

These solar eclipse 2024 photos from our readers are absolutely amazing (images, video)

Readers Respond to the December 2023 Issue

Readers discuss tardigrades, poison dart frogs and more

Readers discuss cholesterol treatments and AI

Readers Respond to the November 2023 Issue

Readers discuss quantum gravity and more

Readers discuss grassland conservation and a hummingbird flight trick

Readers Respond to the October 2023 Issue

Readers discuss marathoners’ myelin, menopausal chimps and more