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Accidental discovery may hint at answer to a chicken-or-egg question on evolution

A recent fast radio burst calls into question what astronomers believed they knew

Astronomers thought they understood fast radio bursts: A recent one calls that into question

The heart of the question: Who can get Medicare-covered weight loss medicine?

NASA's cancelled moon rover calls 2026 crewed landing into question

CERN’s $17-billion supercollider in question as top funder criticizes cost

8,000 Years Ago, Humans Navigated Deep Into a Dark French Cave. The Question Is: How?

In case you need to argue why we should explore space, try referring people to this letter by Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger, then-associate director of science at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. Possibly the most eloquent and respectful reply to such a question.

Does fluoride in drinking water lower IQ? Question looms large in court battle

Did We Find Exomoons or Not? The Question Lingers.

Was the earthquake induced or natural? New study tests frameworks to answer the question

A Psychologist Answers The ‘Would I Be Happier Single’ Question

From Quasars to Black Holes: Spectral Energy Puts Established Theories in Question

The ‘Having Kids Later In Life’ Question, Explored By A Psychologist

New study from the UK calls into question the assumption that cannabis use necessarily increases the risk of psychotic disorder. There was no significant association between any measure of cannabis use at baseline and transition to psychosis, the persistence of symptoms, or functional outcome.