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Exploring quantum materials for a new generation of technology - EurekAlert
Harnessing electromagnetic waves and quantum materials to improve wireless communication technologies - EurekAlert
Harnessing electromagnetic waves and quantum materials to improve wireless communication technologies
Rice hosts workshop and winter school to advance quantum materials research - EurekAlert
Harnessing Light: Quantum Materials Supercharge Data Transmission
New technique could unlock potential of quantum materials - EurekAlert
Unlocking the Power of Quantum Materials With Breakthrough Technology
A new approach to accelerate the discovery of quantum materials - EurekAlert
A New Dimension of Quantum Materials: Topological Phonons Discovered in Crystal Lattices
Physicists Have Uncovered a New Spin Phase in Quantum Materials
Ultrafast Laser Pulses Unmask Quantum Materials and Superconductivity
New Method Transforms Everyday Materials Like Glass Into Quantum Materials
Physicists Unlock the Secrets of Light-Induced Ferroelectricity in Quantum Materials
Shadows and Light: Discovering the Hidden Depths of Quantum Materials
Shining a light on the hidden properties of quantum materials
Beyond the Blink: Probing Quantum Materials at Attosecond Speeds