Napoleon Didn’t Really Shoot Cannons at Egypt’s Pyramids

Most archaeologists now agree the Orion Correlation Theory — the idea that the pyramids specifically aligned with the three stars of Orion's Belt some 10,000 years ago — is a fringe idea.

The Remains of This Recently Found Ancient Structure Are Even Older Than The Pyramids

7,000-year-old structure near Prague is older than Stonehenge, Egyptian pyramids

Vanished arm of Nile helped ancient Egyptians transport pyramid materials

A Hidden Landscape We Can No Longer See May Explain The Mystery of The Pyramids

Oldest human-made structure in the Americas is older than the Egyptian pyramids

Tetrahedrons assemble! Three-sided pyramids form 2D structures

A Refreshing Look at Egypt’s Ancient Pyramids

What's hidden inside the ancient Maya pyramids?

What did ancient Egypt's pharaohs stash inside the pyramids?

Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx: Facts about the ancient Egyptian monuments

The Secret of The Pyramids' Perfect Alignment Might Be Explained After All

Why did ancient Egyptian pharaohs stop building pyramids?

Lasers reveal construction inspired by ancient Mexican pyramids in Maya ruins

Did Aliens Build the Pyramids? And Other Racist Theories