
Prochlorococcus is a genus of very small marine cyanobacteria with an unusual pigmentation. These bacteria belong to the photosynthetic picoplankton and are probably the most abundant photosynthetic organism on Earth. Prochlorococcus microbes are among the major primary producers in the ocean, responsible for a large percentage of the photosynthetic production of oxygen. Analysis of the genome sequences of 12 Prochlorococcus strains show that 1,100 genes are common to all strains, and the average genome size is about 2,000 genes. In contrast, eukaryotic algae have over 10,000 genes.

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Tiny Ocean Conquerors: How Ancestors of Prochlorococcus Microbes Mastered the Seas on Exoskeleton Rafts

Like ancient mariners, ancestors of Prochlorococcus microbes rode out to sea on exoskeleton particles

Predator Interactions Chiefly Determine Where Photosynthesizing Prochlorococcus Organisms Thrive

Predator interactions chiefly determine where Prochlorococcus thrive