
Preterm birth, also known as premature birth, is the birth of a baby at fewer than 37 weeks gestational age, as opposed to full-term delivery at approximately 40 weeks.

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Soft fabric necklace monitors care of preterm, low-birth-weight infants - EurekAlert

Preterm babies given certain fatty acids have better vision

Potentially Impacting Development – Preterm Infants Do Not Get Used to Repeated Pain

FDA yanks approval of Makena, only drug cleared to lower preterm birth

Chemicals Commonly Found in Cosmetics and Personal Hygiene Products Could Contribute to Preterm Birth

The U.S. has a high rate of preterm births, and abortion bans could make that worse

Preterm babies do not habituate to repeated pain

Preterm Birth Drug Withdrawn After 12 Years

Combined steroid and statin treatment could reduce 'accelerated aging' in preterm babies, study in rats suggests

Preterm babies have a similar BMI at adolescence to peers born at term

Preterm birth linked to chemicals found in the vagina, study finds

Vaginal swabs could be used to predict likelihood of preterm births

Carnitine intake is associated with better postnatal growth and larger brain size in very preterm infants

FDA Panel Recommends Pulling Preterm Birth Drug From the Market

Brain development of the preterm baby is improved by supporting emotional connection with the parent

The physics of the premature lung: Why mechanical ventilation can harm preterm lungs

Nano-preterm infants may not benefit from noninvasive versus invasive ventilation at birth, study finds

Preterm Children Who Drink More Breast Milk Have a Higher IQ and Greater Academic Achievement

Preterm birth's link with educational attainment explored in U.K. primary and secondary schoolchildren

New target for therapies to treat preterm labor