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Internationally recognized plant scientist named next President of the Danforth Plant Science Center - EurekAlert

Jared M. Kutzin, DNP, MS, MPH, RN, named President of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare - EurekAlert

A Cold War mystery: Why did Jimmy Carter save the space shuttle? | Ars solves the mystery by going directly to a primary source—the president himself.

What spaceflight owes to Jimmy Carter: The president's little-known NASA legacy

Virginie McNamar appointed President and Chie - EurekAlert

Apollo 11 moonwalker Buzz Aldrin endorses Trump for president

Read the Letter from Nobel Laureates Endorsing Kamala Harris for President

UTIA entomologist elected president of SIP - EurekAlert

Hard Nuclear Weapons Choices Await Harris or Trump as President

The Next President Should End NASA’s Space Launch System Rocket

SpaceX's Elon Musk endorsed Donald Trump for president. Here's what it could mean for US space policy (op-ed)

Valentina Greco takes on new position as President of the ISSCR - EurekAlert

Yoshihiro Yoneda appointed president of the International Human Frontier Science Program Organization - EurekAlert

SNMMI elects Cathy Sue Cutler, Ph.D., FSNMMI, as President at 2024 Annual Meeting - EurekAlert

SNMMI announces Julie Dawn Bolin, MS, CNMT, as President of the Technologist Section during 2024 Annual Meeting - EurekAlert

Irina Petrache, MD, ATSF, commences term as President of the American Thoracic Society - EurekAlert

Wayne State faculty member named president of the International Association for Great Lakes Research board - EurekAlert

SCAI names James B. Hermiller, MD, MSCAI, President for 2024-25 - EurekAlert

President’s NASA FY 2025 Funding Supports US Space, Climate Leadership

‘Modern genetic techniques offer many prospects for agroecology’ [CRISPR]: Q&A with Urs Niggli, president of the Germany-based Institute for Agroecology