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Predicted Drop in Population Mightn't Be Enough to Save The Environment After All

World's Population to Hit Peak in 60 Years Then Fall, Researchers Say

Affecting 25% of the Population: Researchers Pioneer Potential Treatment for Global Liver Condition

China’s Population Could Shrink to Half by 2100

India's first snow leopard survey puts population at just 718

Astronomers discover first population of binary stripped stars

Astronomers discover first population of binary stripped stars

Astronomers Find Population of Stripped Helium Stars in Magellanic Clouds

Study Reveals That 50% of the World’s Population Will Have a Mental Health Disorder by Age 75

Entomologists Find Population of Invasive Red Fire Ants in Italy

Half the World's Population Faced Extreme Heat for at Least 30 Days This Summer

Astronomers still scratching their heads over population of ocean-world exoplanets